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We Offer Private and Publicly Funded Programs – To Learn More About Our Tuition-Free ALE Program Click Here!


With a hands-on, personalized education

Sanctuary for Education


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Individualized ACADEMICS

Students thrive with a tailored learning plan. Progress is noted daily, weekly & adjusted as necessary for optimal performance.

Action-Centered Learning

Students will not retain information they don't actively practice. We utilize trampolines and hands-on projects to actively practice learnings. 

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A student's emotional development is just as important as their scholastic development. Our students develop a growth mindset in our dedicated classes.

Farm Program

With horses, rabbits & chickens to take care of, our students develop responsibility, confidence and a sense of purpose that is rooted in empathy.  

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin

Who We Serve


We serve families that are looking for their bored or mismanaged student to receive a high quality, enjoyable education. 

What We Do


We provide a personalized education in classes of 8 students. We integrate a growth mindset, action-centered practice, and outdoor learning with individualized academics to grow students beyond grade-level standards.

Why We Care

"Children are the world's greatest resource and our best hope for the future." - J.F.K.


We believe that having motivated, intelligent, creative, purpose-driven  members of society, will diminish our worldly problems over time.

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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela

Ready to take the next step?

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